Осциллограф GDS-1152A-U
- үнэ: 2,500,000 төг
- 150MHz Bandwidths
- 1GSa/s Real-Time Sample Rates Maximum, 25GSa/s Equivalent-Time
- 2Mega Points Record Length
- 2mV~10V Vertical Scale
- 1ns~50s Horizontal Range
- Up to 27 Automatic Measurements
- 5.7" TFT LCD Display
- USB Host and Device Interface Supported
- Go/NoGo Function
- Data Logger
The GDS-1000A-U series provide a unique solution. The GDS-1000A-U lineup includes GDS-1152A-U, GDS-1102A-U and GDS-1072A-U three models. Operating at 150, 100 or 70 MHz with a real-time sampling rate of 1GSa/s, the GDS-1000A-U employs MemoryPrime technology . Using MemoryPrime technology, the GDS-1000A-U is able to overcome the problems associated with memory constraints. High sample rates, rarely found in traditional DSOs, can be maintained over longer periods of time, without effecting performance.
Coupled with the high resolution 5.7” color TFT display, with user-friendly interface USB device and host port make the GDS-1000A-U series feature-rich.
Model‐specific specifications
GDS‐1152A‐U | Bandwidth (–3dB) | DC coupling: DC ~ 150MHz AC coupling: 10Hz ~ 150MHz |
Bandwidth Limit | 20MHz (−3dB) | |
Trigger Sensitivity | 0.5div or 5mV (DC ~ 25MHz) 1.5div or 15mV (25MHz~150MHz) | |
External Trigger Sensitivity | ~ 50mV (DC~25MHz)
~ 100mV (25MHz~100MHz) |
Rise Time | < 2.3ns approx. |
Common specifications
Vertical | Sensitivity | 2mV/div~10V/Div (1‐2‐5 increments) |
Accuracy | ± (3% x |Readout|+0.1div + 1mV) | |
Bandwidth | See model‐specific specifications | |
Rise Time | See model‐specific specifications | |
Input Coupling | AC, DC, Ground | |
Input Impedance | 1MΩ±2%, ~15pF | |
Polarity | Normal, Invert | |
Maximum Input | 300V (DC+AC peak), CAT II | |
Math Operation | +, –, ×, FFT, FFT rms | |
Offset Range | 2mV/div~50mV/div: ±0.4V 100mV/div~500mV/div: ±4V 1V/div~5V/div: ±40V 10V/div : ±300V | |
Trigger | Sources | CH1, CH2, Line, EXT |
Modes | Auto, Normal, Single, TV, Edge, Pulse | |
Coupling | AC, DC, LF rej, HF rej, Noise rej | |
Sensitivity | See model‐specific specifications | |
Holdoff | 40ns ~ 2.5s | |
External trigger | Range | DC: ±15V, AC: ±2V |
Sensitivity | See model‐specific specifications | |
Input Impedance | 1MΩ±2%, ~15pF | |
Maximum Input | 300V (DC+AC peak), CATII | |
Horizontal | Range | 1ns/div~50s/div, 1‐2.5‐5 increment
Roll: 50ms/div – 50s/div |
Modes | Main, Window, Window Zoom, Roll, X‐Y | |
Accuracy | ±0.01% | |
Pre‐Trigger | 10 div maximum | |
Post‐Trigger | 1000 div | |
X‐Y Mode | X‐Axis Input | Channel 1 |
Y‐Axis Input | Channel 2 |
Phase Shift | ±3° at 100kHz | |
Signal Acquisition | Real‐Time | 1G Sa/s maximum |
Equivalent | 25G Sa/s maximum | |
Vertical Resolution | 8 bits | |
Record Length | Maximum; 2M points (1 channel), 1M points (2 channels) | |
Acquisition | Normal, Peak Detect, Average | |
Peak Detection | 10ns (500ns/div ~ 50s/div) | |
Average | 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 | |
Cursors and Measurement | Voltage | Vpp, Vamp, Vavg, Vrms, Vhi, Vlo, Vmax, Vmin, Rise Preshoot/
Overshoot, Fall Preshoot/ Overshoot |
Time | Freq, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, + Width, – Width, Duty Cycle | |
Delay | FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF | |
Cursors | Voltage difference (ΔV) and
Time difference (ΔT) between cursors |
Auto Counter | Resolution: 6 digits, Accuracy: ±2%
Signal source: All available trigger source except the Video trigger |
Control Panel Function | Autoset | Automatically adjust Vertical Volt/div, Horizontal Time/div, and Trigger level |
Save/Recall | Up to 15 sets of measurement conditions and waveforms | |
Display | LCD | 5.7 inch, TFT, brightness adjustable |
Resolution (dots) | 234 (Vertical) x 320 (Horizontal) | |
Graticule | 8 x 10 divisions | |
Display Contrast | Adjustable | |
Interface | USB Slave Connector | USB 2.0 full speed (CDC ACM) |
USB Host connector | Image (BMP) and waveform data (CSV) | |
Probe Compensation Signal | Frequency range | 1kHz ~ 100kHz adjustable, 1kHz step |
Duty cycle | 5% ~ 95% adjustable, 5% step | |
Amplitude | 2Vpp±3% | |
Power Source | Line Voltage | 100V~240V AC, 47Hz~63Hz |
Power Consumption | 18W, 40VA maximum | |
Fuse Rating | 1A slow, 250V |
Operation Environment:
Ambient temperature 0 ~ 50°C
Relative humidity ≤ 80%, 40°C or below
≤ 45%, 41°C~50°C
Storage Environment:
Storage Temperature: ‐10°C~60°C, no condensation‐
Relative humidity 93% @ 40°C
65% @ 41°C~60°C
310(W) x 142(H) x 140(D) mm
Approx. 2.5kg
GDS‐1152A‐U Probe | ||
Applicable model & probe | GDS‐1152A‐U GTP‐150B‐4* | |
Position x 10 | Attenuation Ratio | 10:1 |
Bandwidth | DC ~ 150MHz | |
Input Resistance | 10MΩ when used with 1MΩ input | |
Input Capacitance | 17pF approx. | |
Maximum Input Voltage | 500V CAT I, 300V CAT II (DC+Peak AC)Derating with frequency | |
Position x 1 | Attenuation Ratio | 1:1 |
Bandwidth | DC ~ 6MHz | |
Input Resistance | 1MΩ when used with 1MΩ input | |
Input Capacitance | 47pF approx. | |
Maximum Input Voltage | 300V CAT I, 150V CAT II (DC+Peak AC)Derating with frequency | |
Operating Cond. | Temperature | –10°C ~ 55°C |
Relative Humidity | ≤85% @35°C | |
Safety Standard | EN 61010‐031 CAT II |
* Note: GW Instek reserves the right to change the probe model type (GTP‐070A‐4, GTP‐100A‐4, GTP‐150A‐2) at anytime without notice for probe model types of similar specification.
GDS‐1000A‐U Specifications
The specifications apply when the GDS‐1000A‐U is powered on for at least 30 minutes under +20°C~+30°C.
Санал болгох бараа
Хэмжих хэрэгсэл
Эсэргүүцэл хэмжигч
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Дохионы үүсгүүр
Тэжээлийн блок
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Сүлжээний тестер
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- Дагалдах хэрэгсэл
Гагнуурын хэрэгсэл
Нихром гагнуурын алх
Керамик гагнуурын алх
- Тохируулгатай гагнуурын алх
- Үлээдэг гагнуурын алх
- Урьдчилан халаагч
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Тугалга сорогч
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Туслах хэрэгсэл
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Гар багаж
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- Нарийн халив
- Том халив
- Тусгай халив
- Цахилгаан халив
- Халив цуглуулга
- Тусгай түлхүүр, торцов
- Бахь
- Бахь
- Нугас, махир хошуут бахь
- Таслагч бахь
- Хямсаа
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- Төгсгөвч хавчигч
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- Цагираг түгжээ авагч
- Хайч, хутга
- Өрөм, хөрөө, хуурай
- 1000В гар багаж
- Туслах хэрэгсэл
Томруулдаг шил
- Микроскоп
- Томруулдаг шил
- Суурин томруулдаг шил
Багажны цуглуулга
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- Сүлжээний багаж
- Багажны цүнх
Лавлах утас: 77107805, 99198321
Хаяг : Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, Компьютер ланд, 3-н давхар, 12 тоот
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