CY8CKIT-049-42xx Prototyping Kit
- үнэ: 20,000 төг
The CY8CKIT-049-42xx Prototyping Kit is a low cost prototyping platform for customers wishing to test and develop applications using the PSoC® 4 device family.
The prototyping kit supports PC connectivity through the Cypress USB-Serial controller, which is also used to bootload the PSoC 4 device via UART using the the Bootloader Software Host tool. For more information please see the kit user guide attached for steps and examples.
Low Cost Alternative to Samples
The CY8CKIT-049 Prototyping Kit serves as a low cost alternative to customers looking to sample PSoC 4 devices. This kit provides an open platform and complete access to all of the PSoC 4 device I/O, including default features such as LEDs and a push button. This kit will serve users who are looking to rapidly integrate, develop, and test the PSoC 4 device family with their end design or project.
Supports PSoC 4 Families
The CY8CKIT-049-42xx Prototyping kit supports the ARM® 32-bit Cortex-M0™ CY8C42xx device family. The PSoC 4 devices are the most reconfigurable ARM based processor providing programmable analog and digital blocks with flexible routing and interconnects. The CY8CKIT-049-42xx Prototyping kit is also CapSense enabled as both the CMOD and CTANK capacitors necessary for CapSense and CapSense Proximity designs are loaded by default.
As always the PSoC 4 device family and the CY8CKIT-049-42xx are supported through the completely free development platform PSoC Creator.
Supports USB-Serial Controllers
The CY8CKIT-049 provides customers with a USB PC connection using the Cypress USB-Serial device family (CY7C6521x). The device used on the CY8CKIT-049 is the CY7C65211 configurable USB bridge controller. This USB-Serial device supports USB-UART, USB-GPIO, USB-I2C, and USB-SPI configurations. The device family also supports CapSense button control and USB-IF Battery Charging applications. The CY7C65211 device on the CY8CKIT-049 Prototyping kit is by default a USB-UART serial bridge. The USB-Serial device provides USB-UART communication through a COM port and UART bootloading using the Bootloader Host tool included in PSoC Creator. The CY7C65211 is designed to support the PSoC 4 and to be a development platform for USB-Serial users. The USB-Serial portion of the kit can be removed from the PSoC 4 main board by ‘snapping’ the two boards apart along the perforated edge. The USB-Serial board supports open GPIO and serial communication headers for USB-Serial development.
PSoC Creator IDE
PSoC Creator is an Integrated Design Environment (IDE) which allows concurrent hardware and application firmware design of PSoC 3, PSoC 4, PSoC 4 BLE, PRoC BLE, PSoC 5LP and PSoC 6 systems. PSoC systems are designed using classic, familiar schematic capture supported by over 120 pre-verified, production-ready PSoC Components™. To download the latest version of the IDE, please visit the PSoC Creator Page.
Training and Other learning resources
- – To learn more about PSoC Creator and On-Demand trainings, please visit the PSoC Creator Training Page
- – To learn and train on PSoC, please visit
- – Visit the PSoC 3/4/5 Code Examples page for a list of available PSoC Creator code examples across PSoC Creator, Applications notes and Kits
- – To get started with PSoC 4, refer to AN79953 – Getting Started with PSoC® 4
- – To learn more about UART bootloaders, refer to AN68272 – PSoC® 3, PSoC 4 and PSoC 5LP UART Bootloader
Programming On-board PSoC 4
PSoC 4 device on-board CY8CKIT-049 includes a UART bootloader for programming through the USB-Serial (USB-UART configuration) controller in the kit. Bootloader Host software tool that installs with PSoC Creator is used to bootload the device through the USB-UART interface. Refer Chapter 3: Kit Operation of the kit user guide for details on creating bootloadable projects and programming the PSoC 4 in the kit. Refer to AN68272 – PSoC® 3, PSoC 4 and PSoC 5LP UART Bootloader for details on UART bootloaders.
Refer to the KB article “Using the CY8CKIT-049 to Program Another PSoC 4” for a method to use CY8CKIT-049 as a low cost programmer.
Kit Contents:
- – CY8CKIT-049 4xxx Prototyping Kit
- – Quick Start Guide
Санал болгох бараа
Угсармал хавтан
- МЭДРЭГЧ модуль
- ХОЛБОЛТЫН модуль
- ИНТЕРФЕЙС хөврүүлэгч модуль
- ТЭЖЭЭЛИЙН модуль
- РЕЛЕ модуль
- Өргөтгөл модуль
- ТОВЧЛУУР модуль
- ӨСГӨГЧ, ДУУНЫ модуль
- ДЭЛГЭЦ, ЛЕД модуль
- Вольтметр, Амперметр
- RTC модуль
- AD/ DA модуль
- Програмчлагч хавтан
- EEPROM, I2C модуль
- Proto shield
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- Универсал хавтан
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Лавлах утас: 77107805, 99198321
Хаяг : Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, Компьютер ланд, 3-н давхар, 12 тоот
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