DC-DC Step-up-down automatic buck module
- үнэ: 10,000 төг
- Auto start voltage will be pulled down to 7V or less, and engine will at high speed when the voltage up to 15V or higher. It is hard to work for 12V electrical equipment, this automatic buck boost module can solve this problem, regardless of the input voltage is 5V or 12V or 32V, the output can be stabilized at 12V.
- Built-in 4A efficient MOSFET switches enable efficiency up to 94%; (LM2577 current is 3A)
- High switching frequency 400KHz, the ripple is smaller, dimension is smaller . (LM2577 frequency only 50KHz)
– Model Specification: DSN6000AUD Automatic Buck module
– Module Properties: Non- isolated boost (BOOST)
– Rectification: Non- Synchronous Rectification
– Input Range: 3.8V – 32V
– Output Range: 1.25V – 35V
– Input Current:3A ( max ) , no-load 18mA (5V input , 8V output , no-load is less than 18mA. Higher the voltage, the greater the load current. )
– Conversion efficiency:<94% ( the greater the pressure , the lower the efficiency )
– Switching frequency:400KHz
– Output Ripple:50mV ( the higher the voltage, the greater the current, the greater the ripple )
– Load Regulation:± 0.5%
– Voltage Regulation:± 0.5%
– Operating Temperature:-40 – +85
– Dimensions:48mm * 25mm * 14mm ( L * W * H )
Car regulator, solar photovoltaic, wind power and other applications of voltage instability.
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Угсармал хавтан
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- Дагалдах хэрэгсэл
Зэс, универсал, сургалтын хавтан
- Зэс хавтан
- Универсал хавтан
- Сургалтын хавтан
Гэр ахуйн барааны хавтан
Лавлах утас: 77107805, 99198321
Хаяг : Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, Компьютер ланд, 3-н давхар, 12 тоот
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