USB to CAN Adapter Model A, STM32
- үнэ: 90,000 төг
USB to CAN Adapter Model A, STM32 Chip Solution, Multiple Working modes, Multi-system Compatible
SKU: 23635
Part Number: USB-CAN-A
Package content:
- USB-CAN-A x1
- USB Cable ~1.5m x1
- Screwdriver x1
Weight: 0.008 kg
- – Supports CAN2.0A (standard frame) and CAN2.0B (extended frame)
- – CAN baud rate is configurable in the range of 5Kbps-1Mbps
- – Supports 4 working modes: normal mode, loopback mode, silent mode, silent loopback mode
- – Supports multiple CAN data sending modes: single frame, multiple frames, manually, regularly and cyclic sending
- – Supports multiple CAN data receiving modes: can be configured to only receive data from a certain ID, or specify ID to automatically answer the configured data
- – Data can be saved as TXT or Excel
- – Supports CAN bus detection for status checking
- – Sending/receiving CAN data with time scale, allows sequentially displaying
- – Baud rate of USB virtual COM port is configurable in the range of 9600 ~ 2000000bps (2000000bps by default)
- – Supports setting working parameters by configuration software or serial command, can be saved after power off
- – Adopts STM32 chip solution, stable and reliable communication
- – Onboard TVS (Transient Voltage Suppressor), effectively suppress surge voltage and transient spike voltage in the circuit
- – Comes with master computer software for Windows system, easy to use
- – Easy secondary development, just need to modify the sending and receiving commands
Collects Data From CAN Bus To PC Via USB For Transceiver Control, Data Analysis,
Acquisition And Monitoring Of CAN Bus Network
CAN Baud Rate Is Configurable In The Range Of 5Kbps-1Mbps
Support Windows XP/7/8/10/11 And Linux Systems Such As Raspberry Pi OS And Ubuntu Under Jetson Nano, Support Secondary Development
Support Multiple Working Modes
Adopts The Original STM32F103 Chip, Stable And Reliable Communication
Interfaces Introduction
Outline Dimensions
* Resources for different product may vary, please check the wiki page to confirm the actually provided resources.
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Угсармал хавтан
- МЭДРЭГЧ модуль
- ХОЛБОЛТЫН модуль
- ИНТЕРФЕЙС хөврүүлэгч модуль
- ТЭЖЭЭЛИЙН модуль
- РЕЛЕ модуль
- Өргөтгөл модуль
- ТОВЧЛУУР модуль
- ӨСГӨГЧ, ДУУНЫ модуль
- ДЭЛГЭЦ, ЛЕД модуль
- Вольтметр, Амперметр
- RTC модуль
- AD/ DA модуль
- Програмчлагч хавтан
- EEPROM, I2C модуль
- Proto shield
- Дагалдах хэрэгсэл
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- Зэс хавтан
- Универсал хавтан
- Сургалтын хавтан
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Лавлах утас: 77107805, 99198321
Хаяг : Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, Компьютер ланд, 3-н давхар, 12 тоот
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