XD-01 TCRT5000 IR sensor module
- үнэ: 3,500 төг
TCRT5000 infrared sensors constantly emit infrared emitting diodes , infrared rays emitted when not being reflected back or reflected back but the strength is not big enough , the phototransistor has been in the off state, when the output of the module is high, indicating diode always is off ; when the object appeared to be detected within the detection range , infrared rays are reflected back and the strength is large enough, the phototransistor saturated , then the output module is low, indicating LED is lit.
Usage: 1. meter pulse data sampling
2. fax paper shredders detection
3. obstacle detection
4. black and white line detection
1. using infrared reflective sensor TCRT5000
2. detecting the reflected distance : 1mm ~ 25mm applicable
3. the comparator output signal clean, good waveform , driving ability , than 15mA.
4. with a multi-turn precision potentiometer adjustable sensitivity adjustment
5. the working voltage of 3.3V-5V
6. the output format: digital switching output ( 0 and 1 )
7. a fixed bolt holes for easy installation
8. small PCB board size : 3.2cm x 1.4cm
9. using a wide voltage comparator LM393
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Угсармал хавтан
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- ТОВЧЛУУР модуль
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- Дагалдах хэрэгсэл
Зэс, универсал, сургалтын хавтан
- Зэс хавтан
- Универсал хавтан
- Сургалтын хавтан
Гэр ахуйн барааны хавтан
Лавлах утас: 77107805, 99198321
Хаяг : Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, Компьютер ланд, 3-н давхар, 12 тоот
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