E18-D50NK infrared sensor
- үнэ: 10,000 төг
This is a photoelectric sensor which can transmit and receive IR. The detection distance can be adjusted by the requirements.This sensor has the advantage of long detection distance,small interference of the visible light,low price, easy to assemble and use, etc, it can be widely used for many automatic product such as the robot obstacle avoidance and line piece.
Technical parameters:
Model: E18-D50NK
1. Output current: DC / SCR / relay control output :100mA/5V power supply
2. Current consumption: DC<25mA
3. Response time: <2ms
4. Pointing angle: ≤15°, the testing distance is 3-50CM
5. Detected object:transparent or opaque object
6. Working environment temperature: -25℃~+55℃
7. Standard detected object:below 10000LX sunlight and 3000LX incandescent lamp
8. Housing material: plastic
Electrical characteristics:
I: 100mA
Sn: 3-50CM
Diameter: 17mm
Sensor length: 45mm
Lead length: 45cm
In order to protect the action reliability and prolong life,please avoid closing sensor when the outdoor temperature is beyond the stipulation, if used with cover,please prevent it from contacting water and water volume of cutting oil and so on.Besides, please do not use it in chemical climate especially in alkali, acid, nitric acid, hot concentrated sulfuric acid.
Red: connect with 4.5-5V power supply high level
Yellow: connect with single chip microcomputer, output TTL level to microcomputer
Green: connect with GND 0V power low level
If the front has no barrier output high level, on the contrary,the level with become low from high level, the back show has a potentiometer can adjust the testing distance of barrier. As long as the potentiometer adjusted, it will output low level in effective distance.
In circuit design, you can add resistance 10K to 5vV in output port yellow line, then access SCM to test, it will be more stable, the SCM testing can use external hardware to interrupt INT0 INT1.
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Лавлах утас: 77107805, 99198321
Хаяг : Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, Компьютер ланд, 3-н давхар, 12 тоот
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