Dual G2 High-Power Motor Driver 24v14

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Pololu Dual G2 High-Power Motor Driver 24v14 for Raspberry Pi (Assembled)

Pololu item #: 3753

This add-on board makes it easy to control two high-power DC motors with a Raspberry Pi. Its twin discrete MOSFET H-bridges support a wide 6.5 V to 36 Voperating range and are efficient enough to deliver a continuous 14 A without a heat sink. The drivers offer basic current limiting functionality, and they accept ultrasonic PWM frequencies for quieter operation. The default pin mappings make it easy to get started, but they can be customized for more specialized applications. This version ships fully assembled with connectors soldered in.


Size: 65 mm × 56 mm
Weight: 30 g1

General specifications

Motor channels: 2
Minimum operating voltage: 6.5 V
Maximum operating voltage: 36 V2
Continuous output current per channel: 14 A3
Maximum PWM frequency: 100 kHz
Reverse voltage protection?: Y
Partial kit?: N

Identifying markings

PCB dev codes: rpe03b
Other PCB markings: 0J10614, blank white box


  • 1 – Without included mounting hardware.
  • – Absolute maximum; higher voltages can permanently destroy the motor driver. Recommended maximum is approximately 30 V, which leaves a safety margin for ripple voltage on the supply line. Disconnecting on-board regulator increases absolute maximum to 40 V. Not recommended for use with 36 V batteries.
  • – Typical results at room temperature with both channels running at 90% duty cycle.

Disconnecting the regulator on the Dual G2 High-Power Motor Driver for Raspberry Pi.

The motor driver exposes current sensing and limiting pins that are not connected to the Raspberry Pi, but they are accessible through their own through-holes in case you want to use them in a more advanced application.

The driver has the ability to limit the motor current through current chopping: once the motor drive current reaches a set threshold, the driver goes into brake mode (slow decay) for about 25 μs before applying power to drive the motor again. This makes it more practical to use the driver with a motor that might only draw a few amps while running but can draw many times that amount (tens of amps) when starting.

On this board (24v14), the nominal current limiting threshold is set to about 40 A by default. For each motor channel, you can lower the limit by connecting an additional resistor between the VREF pin and the adjacent GND pin; the graph below shows how the current limit relates to the VREF resistor value. For example, adding a 100 kΩ resistor between VREF and GND lowers the current limit to approximately 24 A. Note that the current limiting threshold is not highly precise, and is less accurate at especially low settings (indicated by the dashed portion of the curve).

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