Serial to 1.6 km CC2530 Zigbee wireless module
- үнэ: 50,000 төг
Automatic network: all the power on the module of automatic networking, network modules such as electricity, network self-healing function
Data transmission: through the serial port can be in any node for data transmission between:
1. data transparent transmission: the Coordinator data received from the serial port will be automatically sent to all the nodes; A node data received from the serial port will be automatically sent to the Coordinator;
2. instruction mode, data transmission between any node: the format of the data transmission is: 0 XFD (command) data transmission + 0 x0a (data length) + 0 x73 0 x79 (destination address) + 0 x01 0 x02 0 x03 x04 x07 x06 x05 0 0 0 0 0 0 x08 x09 0 x10 (data, a total of 0 x0a Bytes).
Simple to use: users don't need to consider ZigBee protocol, like using the serial port using wireless module
Zigbee module parameters:
1. The input voltage: Standard: 3.3 V DC, range: 2.6 V to 2.6 V
2. Temperature range: – 40 ~ 85
3. Net weight 7.4 g
4. A serial port rate: 38400 BPS (the default), can be set up 9600 BPS to 19200 BPS to 38400 BPS to 57600 BPS to 115200 BPS
5. Radio frequency: 2.4 G (2460 MHZ), the user can change channels via a serial port instructions (2405 MHZ, 2405 MHZ, step 5 MHZ)
6. Wireless protocol: Zigbee2007
7. Transmission distance: Visible, open, transmission distance of 1600 meters
8. Working current: Launch: 120 ma (Max), 80 ma (on average), receive: 45 ma (Max)
9. Standby: 40 ma (Max)
10. Receiving sensitivity: – 110 dBm
11. The main chip: Kflash CC2530F256, 256, the latest generation of TI company ZigBee SOC chip
12. Can be configured to the Coordinator, the Router
13. The factory default is: the Router, PAN ID = 0 x199b, channel = 22 (2460 MHZ) interface
14. UART TX – 3.3 V RX
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Лавлах утас: 77107805, 99198321
Хаяг : Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, Компьютер ланд, 3-н давхар, 12 тоот
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