Skeleton Bot – 4WD Hercules Mobile Robotic Platform
- үнэ: 640,000 төг
4WD Hercules Mobile Robotic Platform adheres to the spirit with strong power and complete function, and it is a companion for you to enter into the robot world where you can make your own robot mobile platform. Hercules, the Titan in Greek mythology, is widely known for his strength and spirit of adventure.
It consists of the component of Hercules motor controller, Hercules skeleton, gear motor etc. The Hercules motor controller can consistently support the current up to 15A and driving voltage in the range of 6V-20V, thus, it can supply strong motive power to the whole platform. The Hercules skeleton is made up of aluminium alloy plate with firm but pliable texture which can carry, display and connect sorts of accessories in your project. Its 4 powerful gear motors, especially a couple of them from Seeed’s original encipheror can monitor the running speed of your platform and amend the process parameter by the shaped closed-loop control. This provides a possibility to control precise process. Besides, other accessories such as wheels, cooper cylinder and acrylic guard plate that make the platform to be a completely mobile platform.
Hercules is a suite of open-platform. It is convenient for users to install all kinds of components through the hole sites on the board. In addition, the Grove connector reserved on the board can help the inventor input several sorts of sensor data into system. What’s more, Hercules controller is Arduino compatible, so you can freely alter the device drives and programs.
- – Strong motive power
- – Solid shell, awesome profile
- – Close-loop control system
- – Arduino compatible board
- – Open and expandable, free to place other components into circuit to make a personal mobile platform.
Part List
- – 4WD Hercules
- – Hercules Dual 15A 6-20V Motor Controller
- – UartSBee V4
- – Lithium Battery 2200mAh-7.4V
- – 2-3S Li-Poly Battery Charger
- – 6 pin dual-female jumper wire – 100mm
- – Mini USB cable 100cm
Please visit our wiki page for more info about this product. It will be appreciated if you can help us improve the documents, add more demo code or tutorials. For technical support, please post your questions to our forum.
Technical Details
Dimensions | 295mm x 184mm x 75mm |
Weight | G.W 1851g |
Battery | Lithium Cells/Batteries packed with equipment UN3481 -PI966 |
Санал болгох бараа
Угсармал хавтан
- МЭДРЭГЧ модуль
- ХОЛБОЛТЫН модуль
- ИНТЕРФЕЙС хөврүүлэгч модуль
- ТЭЖЭЭЛИЙН модуль
- РЕЛЕ модуль
- Өргөтгөл модуль
- ТОВЧЛУУР модуль
- ӨСГӨГЧ, ДУУНЫ модуль
- ДЭЛГЭЦ, ЛЕД модуль
- Вольтметр, Амперметр
- RTC модуль
- AD/ DA модуль
- Програмчлагч хавтан
- EEPROM, I2C модуль
- Proto shield
- Дагалдах хэрэгсэл
Зэс, универсал, сургалтын хавтан
- Зэс хавтан
- Универсал хавтан
- Сургалтын хавтан
Гэр ахуйн барааны хавтан
Лавлах утас: 77107805, 99198321
Хаяг : Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, Компьютер ланд, 3-н давхар, 12 тоот
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