XMotion All In One Controller V3 with motor driver
- үнэ: 200,000 төг
Product Code: JS15968
Size (cm): 8 x 8 x 3
Height (cm): 1.2
Weight (Kg): 0.013
XMotion is Arduino Compatible all in one robot controller. Which designed specially for robotics, IOT and maker projects.
It includes powerful Motor drivers, switching mode regulator, interface circuits and more. With protected features, it is all in one board for lots of different type robot projects.
But not only this. Also we added some supporting materials, like starter codes, libraries. If you want to do line follower, mini-sumo or any basic robot we have ready-made codes for beginners.
At first glance if you plan to do robotics projects (For educational or hobby projects) there is lots of controller boards In market, but this boards are not practical and user friendly. At same time they are not giving same performance specs as XMotion. 8×3 cm size comes very handy for all projects.
Secondly, XMotion’s developing potential is huge! If you work for robot project, always you need to aim the highest. XMotion gives you this chance.
First of all it is Arduino compatible! VERY EASY TO PROGRAM WITH ARDUINO SOFTWARE.
And it has lots of superior features. We can shortly say power in your hand. Just look to bottom image:
What is that strong features?
- Small dimension. It was very important factor at our design, small but at same time stabilized design. We managed to make 80 x 30 x7 mm dimension board without rectricts.
- 6 Ampere x 2 Motor drive outputs. This outputs can supply high currents and gives juice more than enough for small robotics projects. When compared with traditional boards 6 Ampere triples, doubles the other boards. Also they are protected for short circuits.
- Voltage input protected for reverse connection. At full current voltage drop at reverse connection mosfet is only 60 millivolts!
- Built-in regulator can work up to 24V! (For generic Arduino boards this voltage is 15V with lots of heat) XMotion never heats.
- At bottom you can program with micro USB. Main Mcu (ATMEGA 32U4) preloaded with Arduino Leonardo Software. Very easy to program.
- Sturdy micro USB socket that can withstand many years without any break thanks to pinned strong design.
- Board has analog and digital input elements like trimpot, button & dipswitch. You can create trimpot based speed control, or dipswitch based robot tactics & modes.
- You can connect up to 9 sensors or interface circuits with thoruh hole pads of controller IO terminal.
For more understanding please look to comparison table
Now, if we summarize the features of XMotion:
All digital and analog output sensors can be used with XMotion. Unfortunately I2C output sensors are not avaible on hardware connection.
With 8 protected Inputs also you can connect directly PNP output 12V sensors like Omron, Keyence sensors… Here some models suitable to XMotion
- – JS40F Digital Opponent Sensor
- – MZ80 Infrared Sensor
- – Omron E3Z-D62-82 (No resistor divider needed!)
- – Pepperl Fuchs MLT1000 (No resistor divider needed!)
- – Banner Q20NDXL
- – Parallax Ping Sensor
- – HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- – QTR1A and QTR1RC Line Sensors
- – QTR8A and QTR8RC Line Sensors
- – Xline Line Sensor
- – ML1 Line Sensor
Note: XMotion V3 has total 9 IO for sensors and other circuits to attach. 8 of them is high voltage input protected.
With 6 Ampere x 2 dependent drivers. You can use lots of dc motor types. We suggest all 12mm, 15mm, 16mm diameter and some 25mm diameters within current limits. Here some motor models you can use:
- – Pololu 12mm LP, MP, HP and carbon brush series
- – Fingertech 15mm Motor series
- – Jsumo Core Motor series
- – 25mm Diameter DC Gear Motors (Low current drawing models)
- – 37mm Diameter DC Gear Motors (Low current drawing models)
For 25mm models we suggest light current drawing models, here also you can see performance of BB1 Midi sumo robot kit of ours, XMotion driving 4 Pcs (2-2 Paralleled) 25mm Diameter motors.

Release Logs:
XMotion V.3 02/24 – Moving to 4 layer design, vertical Micro USB update, IO pads changed to through hole from SMD, Added Encoder Motor Ports, Bluetooth and I2C ports, bulk MLCC capacitors added for better transient response, removed Voltage divider sensor and total free I/O increased to 9 from 8.
Motion V.2 12/22 – Micro USB update, Regulator update, returning to original drivers.
XMotion V.2C – Corona Update, Motor driver change due to finished original motor driver stocks.
Xmotion V.2 – Regulator update & shematic update for making more rugged, that allows higher voltage Inputs up to 15V.
XMotion V.1.2 – Board layout update
XMotion V.1.1 – Micro USB layout updated
XMotion V.1 – Launch
XMotion Controller based robots from worldwide customers:

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Лавлах утас: 77107805, 99198321
Хаяг : Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, Компьютер ланд, 3-н давхар, 12 тоот
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