5110 LCD Module White Backlight
- үнэ: 9,000 төг
5110 LCD Module, Arduino Compatible
You will Need: ( NOT Included in this Listing ! ) Set of Two 1K Resistors ( For Safe Operation ) Set of Four 10K Resistors ( For Safe Operation )
Pin Connections
1. RST--------- reset.
2. CE------------chip selection.
3. DC-----------data/commands choice.
4. DIN-----------serial data line.
5. CLK------------serial Clock Speed.
6. VCC----------Power, 3.3V (Positive).
7. LIGHT--------- backlight control terminal.
8. GND-----------power negative.
– Power supply voltage: 2.7V- 3.3V
– Backlight Power Supply Voltage: 3.3V MAX
– 43.6mm x 43.1mm(width X height)
– 84 x 84 dot matrix LCD,can show 4 lines of characters, 12 Characters Per Line
Uses Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) to communicate with the microcontroller, only 8 signal lines including power and GND. Support different types of MCU (MicroController Unit) , such as Arduino, PICAXE, ARM, Raspberry PI etc. Transfer rate up to 4Mbps,can full speed write display data without waiting time.
LCD controller/driver chip has been bound to LCD chip so the overall footprint of the LCD Module is Kept as small as possible.
Has TWO Rows where header pins can be soldered for greater flexibility of use!
Low power supply, the working current in normal situation is lower than 200μA,and has power-down mode.
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Лавлах утас: 77107805, 99198321
Хаяг : Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, Компьютер ланд, 3-н давхар, 12 тоот
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