Arduino bluetooth HC-05 master and slave shield
- үнэ: 20,000 төг
This class 2 Bluetooth module comes programmed with firmware that allows it to pass the output of a serial communications port (default is 9600 baud) over a Bluetooth wireless connection with no software configuration. The module is mounted on a convenient mezzanine adapter board providing an interface for power and Tx/Rx serial communication. Additionally the module, by use of AT type text commands issued via the serial interface can be reconfigured from its default Bluetooth slave state to a Master state. This means that module can not only communicate with Bluetooth master devices such as PC's and smart phones, but also when in master mode it can automatically pair with a second module in its default slave configuration allowing an end to end serial communication over Bluetooth. Please note that whilst in master mode the module can only communicate with another module in slave mode or one of our HC-06 Bluetooth slave modules (HCARDU0004).
● Bluetooth protocol: Bluetooth Specification v2.0+EDR
● Frequency: 2.4GHz ISM band
● Modulation: GFSK(Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying)
● Emission power: ≤4dBm, Class 2
● Sensitivity: ≤-84dBm at 0.1% BER
● Speed: Asynchronous: 2.1Mbps(Max) / 160 kbps, Synchronous: 1Mbps/1Mbps
● Size: 28mm x 15 mm x 2.35mm
● Security: Authentication and encryption
● Profiles: Bluetooth serial port
● Power supply: +5V DC (5.5V max)
● Working temperature: -20 ~ +75 Centigrade
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- Дагалдах хэрэгсэл
Зэс, универсал, сургалтын хавтан
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- Сургалтын хавтан
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Лавлах утас: 77107805, 99198321
Хаяг : Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, Компьютер ланд, 3-н давхар, 12 тоот
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